From December 3, 2024, to January 26, 2025, Palazzo Reale in Milan will host the exhibition “SalvArti. From Confiscations to Public Collections”, showcasing a series of contemporary artworks, including paintings, graphic art, and sculptures by artists such as Giorgio de Chirico, Mario Sironi, Lucio Fontana, Massimo Campigli, Salvador Dalí, Andy Warhol, Mario Schifano, Robert Rauschenberg, Christo, and others. These works come from confiscations carried out by public authorities against organized crime.

The more than 80 artworks, displayed in a chronological and thematic layout, allow visitors to trace the evolution of art from the first half of the twentieth century to the early 2000s, highlighting the development of expressive languages and artistic movements of the period.

The exhibition marks the second stage of the project “Art for the Culture of Legality”, curated by the General Management Museums of the Ministry of Culture, the National Agency for Seized and Confiscated Assets from Organized Crime (ANBSC), the Municipality of Milan, and the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior. The project began with a preview at the Hendrik Christian Andersen Museum in Rome (October 16 – November 21, 2024) and will conclude at the Palazzo della Cultura in Reggio Calabria (February 8 – April 27, 2025).


A project by Direzione Generale Musei del Ministero della cultura; ANBSC-Agenzia Nazionale per l’Amministrazione e la Destinazione dei Beni Sequestrati e Confiscati alla Criminalità Organizzata; Comune di Milano - Direzione Cultura - Area Mostre e Musei Scientifici; Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria - Palazzo della Cultura “Pasquino Crupi”.

Scientific Committee Andrea Viliani (direttore del Museo delle Civiltà del MiC); Valeria Di Giuseppe Di Paolo (funzionario storico dell’arte della Direzione generale Musei del MiC); Domenico Piraina (direttore Cultura Area Mostre e Musei Scientifici del Comune di Milano); Gianfranco Maraniello (direttore Area Musei d’Arte moderna e contemporanea del Comune di Milano), Domenico Michele Surace (Docente Accademia di Belle Arti Reggio Calabria).


Opening Times

closed on monday
tuesday - sunday 10.00 - 19.30
thursday 10.00 - 22.30
last entrance 30 minutes before closing time.


free entrance

Info and Booking
