Christmas promotion 2024
To wish Happy Holidays to all our visitors, from December 9 to 24, 2024, Palazzo Reale is offering a special initiative for the Christmas time, providing a discounted ticket for the four ongoing exhibitions: “MUNCH The Inner Scream”, “PICASSO The Foreigner”, “UGO MULAS The Photographic Operation”, “BAJ. Baj chez Baj”.

How does the initiative work?
By showing any ticket purchased for one of the exhibitions at Palazzo Reale at the ticket office, you can access the other exhibitions at the reduced price of 13.00 euros each.
What do I need to show to get the discounted entry?
Keep the previously used entry ticket: you will need to present it at the ticket office to obtain the reduced ticket.
Both paper tickets and digital tickets shown on a smartphone are valid.
Can I buy online?
Yes, even for online purchases, the discount can be obtained by selecting the "reduced 15 euros" ticket (13.00 euros + 2.00 euros online pre-sale fee).
On the day of your visit, you will be required to show the ticket of an exhibition already visited.
When can I use this offer?
The reduced ticket is available for purchase from December 9 to 24, 2024. To get it, simply present the ticket of an exhibition already visited (on any previous date).
If you bought a ticket for the Munch exhibition on November 14, between December 9 and 24, you can enter one or more exhibitions among those of Baj, Picasso, or Mulas at the reduced price (13.00 euros).