Access Rules

Access Rules

Palazzo Reale has some access rules to allow the public to visit the exhibitions in safety. Before booking or buying your ticket please read carefully the informations listed below:

  •  Booking for individual visitors is highy recommended to avoid waiting times. Booking methods are indicated on each  exhibition page. At the page Tickets and Booking you may find the links for the presales. You must bring with you the booking, in a printed form or on a digital screen: we will check it at the entrance
  • It is important to be on time or with no more than 5 minutes early than the time of booking (in order to avoid gatherings).
  •  You may purchase your tickets onsite. In this case, due to the capacity of the halls, the entrance to the exhibition could involve waiting times.
  • Please consult the related page to know the opening times.
  • Please respect the distance (at least 1 metre from other people) in the museum areas and in the exhibition path.
  • For each floor of the Palace there is a cloakroom service where the visitors must store helmets, backpacks, voluminous bags and umbrellas; however, coats or other personal clothing will not be collected. For reasons of space, the cloakroom cannot accommodate suitcases, bulky luggage, scooters and folding bicycles, which cannot under any circumstances be taken into the exhibition for security reasons.
  • For information on the use of audioguides please consult the pages dedicated to each exhibitions.