One hundred years after his birth, an exhibition pays homage to Enrico Baj (Milan 1924 - Vergiate 2003), the master of Dames and Generals, of Meccanoes and Body Snatchers, an irreverent genius, a light-hearted anarchist, a pataphysical artist, told for the first time through the words of the great writers of the 20th century who intertwined their words with his lyrical and caustic images. From André Breton to Raymond Queneau, from Marcel Proust to Italo Calvino, from Edoardo Sanguineti to Umberto Eco.

An exhibition by the Municipality of Milan - Culture Area | Palazzo Reale | Electa.

Curated by Chiara gatti and Roberta Cerini Baj.

Opening Times

Tuesday - Sunday 10-19.30.
Thursdays closing time at 22.30.
Last admission one hour before closing time.

Closed on Mondays


Open: € 17,00
Full ticket: € 15,00
Reduced ticket: € 13,00

Info and Booking