Mario Nigro
Works 1947-1992
The diffused exhibition "Mario Nigro. Opere 1947-1992" promoted by the City of Milan - Culture and produced by Palazzo Reale, Museo del Novecento and Eight Art Project, in collaboration with Archivio Mario Nigro, curated by Antonella Soldaini and Elena Tettamanti, opens on July 14th at Palazzo Reale (until 17 September) and Museo del Novecento (until 5 November).
It is the largest exhibition ever devoted to the artist, with over one hundred and forty works from 1947 to the last one dated1992. It includes paintings, three-dimensional works, works on paper and a vast selection of documents. The exhibition also includes works shown at the Venice Biennales in 1964, 1968, 1978, 1982, 1986 and at the 10th Rome Quadriennale in 1973.
The exhibition marks the different moments in Nigro's artistic language: from an experimental attitude in the 1940s to a decisive orientation towards abstract and geometric compositional structures.The artist's works suggest a recurring narrative horizon based on 'rhythm', 'forms' and 'time', the result of a vision in which musical and scientific knowledge have a decisive influence.
In collaboration with PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, a special event will also commemorate the mafia attack of 27 July 1993 which destroyed the entire venue and some of Mario Nigro's works presented for one of his anthological exhibition.
Opening Times
tuesday - sunday 12.00 - 19.30
thursday 12.00 - 22.30
august 15th, 2023 12.00 - 19.30
closed on monday
last entrance 30 minutes before closing time
Free admission
Info and Booking
Booking is not required.